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Advantage’s Email Security Challenge

Discover true cloud email and collaboration protection with Advantage’s 14-day challenge

How does it work?

If we are unable to discover any threats missed by your current email security
platform within 14 days, we will shout you and the team a pizza lunch.
When you sign up, Advantage will set up a free two-week assessment of your Microsoft
Office 365 or G Suite Email environment.

Avanan Advantage Challenge


  • Participants must be using Office 365 or Gmail for corporate email
  • Account Admin is required to authorise the Avanan scan
  • Participants must have 100+ users in their email environment
  • Participants agree to allow Avanan to scan their Office 365 / G Suite environment for 14 days to perform a retroactive scan
  • If Avanan does not discover any threats in your email environment from
    these scans, we will send you and the team a pizza lunch
  • Maximum of 5 pizzas
  • Signing up for the challenge does not guarantee participation
  • Awarded at the sole discretion of Advantage NZ.

Put us to the test, Sign up now!

How can we help?

Experienced a breach? Need a security assessment?
Talk to us.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please talk to us. You can fill out the contact form and we will get back to you, or call us:

National 0800 358 8999
International +64 6 358 8999