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Our Managed IT Solutions are a great choice if you are looking for an IT Partner that can meet your day-day IT needs, support the long-term growth of your business, and provide solid cyber-security protection across your endpoints and servers.

Key benefits to our offering:

  • 24×7 Monitoring and Alerting – we constantly monitor your systems and resolve known issues.
  • 24x7x365 Support – Access support when you need it.
  • Support Tools – get full visibility of support tickets utilising the leading service management tool – Connectwise.
  • Experienced team – leverage the breadth of experience of our team. Advantage manages the IT needs of some of New Zealand’s leading organisations.

Managed Support Agreements

A Managed Support Agreement takes care of your day-day IT needs. The team is highly responsive and adopt a proactive approach to IT that prevents costly downtime. Unlike most other Managed Service Providers, there are added benefits in working with us:

  • We are ISO27001 accredited, information security is front of mind in all our processes.
    Advantage has a fully staffed and highly skilled New Zealand based security operations centre offering a full suite of in-house cyber security services.
  • An established data centre allowing you to leverage the benefits of private cloud and make use of our in-house disaster recovery services.

Contact us today to learn how you can leverage the benefits of Advantage Manage.

How can we help?

Experienced a breach? Need a security assessment?
Talk to us.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please talk to us. You can fill out the contact form and we will get back to you, or call us:

National 0800 358 8999
International +64 6 358 8999