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Case study – How Liquorland is utilising Pulseway to manage their network

Pulseway - Remote, Monitoring and Management


“We got Pulseway into Liquorland on trial and they loved it. They are very conscious of any additional cost they add to the business, so It was just great to be able to give them that solution that did everything they needed to do and still be affordable.” – Steve Smith

Custom Patching

As a retail business, Liquorland uses specialist retail-focused applications, so one of the unique challenges they faced was ensuring these applications were kept up to date, in multiple locations. Off the shelf patching solutions generally only support widely used software and not specialist, industry-specific titles. Pulseway’s third party patching solution contains a custom titles feature that meant that these software applications could be patched instantly along with other third-party titles.

In addition, the automation capabilities of Pulseway’s patching engine ensured that the productivity of the employees remained unaffected. This automation functionality has removed a lot of pressure from the IT admins and significantly reduced the volume of support calls.

“Pulseway’s ability to update specialist applications in 400 machines scattered across 130 stores in New Zealand is invaluable. With Pulseway, you can monitor all patch management, sort out space storage, know when a problem happens and auto remediate issues as they happen. It just makes it so much easier to run a network remotely and not have to take your computer everywhere with you.” – Steve Smith

Remote IT Management

Pulseway provides industry-leading mobile functionality, that allows its customers to manage their networks with nothing more than just a mobile phone. This has also been another benefit, especially when Covid-19 restrictions restricted travel to stores. With the remote desktop tool, technicians can access any user’s machine from their mobile device and fix the issue remotely.

“If there’s an issue, the first step is to remote into their point of sale and then you actually have to get onto the machine, go into the GUI, push the button and restart it. But with Pulseway, we can just run the command in Pulseway, and it saves time every day.” – Brett O’Hanlon, Finance & IT Manager, Liquorland

Simplicity Is the Key

When Liquorland was looking for a new IT management solution, one of the key things that distinguished Pulseway from other brands was its simplicity. Being simple and easy to set up, Pulseway’s robust functionality was the ideal solution for Liquorland as it made it simple and straightforward for them to manage.

“It was a pretty easy process. We set up a trial with the help of Advantage and we were up and running within a fortnight at almost a production level standard. I think we were migrating over 30 to 40 sites a day, and the whole process was simple.” – Brett O’Hanlon, Finance & IT Manager, Liquorland

Licensing Structure

One of the major issues faced by Liquorland was that their existing remote management tool came with a complicated licensing structure and prevented them from performing critical issues. With the read-only view, they didn’t have access to the command line and other crucial functions. Pulseway, on the other hand, offered an easily understandable licensing structure for Liquorland. The admins had a clear idea of the functionalities they can access and the tasks they can perform.

“Pulseway has a much more easily understandable licensing structure. You don’t really want to go down a route with a product and then discover at the end that functionalities we rely on are subsequently walled off into a new license tier. And so, we said, okay, Pulseway it is.” – Brett O’Hanlon, Finance & IT Manager, Liquorland


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