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Cylance Smart AV – Home Edition

The power of cylance – protecting you and your family

Cylance has been changing the way we protect endpoints in a business setting, allowing for unparalleled protection against unknown and zero day threats.


Traditional antimalware products use signatures to detect and respond to malicious files. This works well for known threats, however the rate of new malware is increasing exponentially with close to 350,000 new samples being detected each day.

This rapid increase poses a much higher chance that you will be targeted with a previous unknown malware, which legacy AV products will often let through without question, resulting in your personal information being lost or stolen.


Cylance takes a radically different approach than legacy AV products, using artificial intelligence to determine if a file is good or bad without requiring signatures. This approach allows Cylance to predict the future, protecting against the unknown.


Until now, this product has been available only to enterprise clients leaving private use machines, which often hold our most personal data, vulnerable to new attacks.

Advantage, in partnership with Cylance, is proud to present Cylance Smart AV – a home focused product providing the same world class AI technology to protect you and your families devices.


As an introductory special, we are happy to provide Cylance Smart AV for $69, providing cover for up to 10 devices under the one licence. This price is fixed for the life of the product, ensuring continued protection without price increases year after year.


Get in touch if you would like a demo or more information, or click the image below to purchase.


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